Friday, May 23, 2008

How to juggle business with raising an infant

Trying to balance life with a Dream Dinners store and a growing infant can be a real challenge. My work hours extend beyond any 9-to-5 job. My peak work hours with customers are any time, any day. My cell phone is always on to handle customer phone calls that are forwarded from our store. When Trevor goes to bed, I am plugging away at the computer on sending out our e-newsletters, following up with customer inquiries, booking private parties, paying those darn bills, marketing planning, writing to this blog, etc. The hardest part about doing work with my son around is not being able to do any work! Then, when I'm not working on Dream Dinners stuff, I am also a SAHM taking Trevor to Child Development classes and parks, reading and playing with him, feeding him, changing him, bathing him, cooking and cleaning.

So, in order to juggle business with raising a child without going crazy, I seek help! Yes, I'm not ashamed to admit it!

The past two weeks have been extremely busy for me. With three Health and Business Fairs to attend and gearing for our many exciting Summer Initiatives (Summer Rewards, Everyday Foods and Emeril Lagasse recipe dinner kit, website updates, Self-Catering, etc.) my mom decided to take a well-deserved vacation with her friends. So, I decided to accept help from my mother-in-law. =p

My mom is usually my default babysitter/nanny. She absolutely would not have it any other way. "What? You want to hire a babysitter/nanny for Trevor? I don't think so." It's just not part of our culture. Trevor is very lucky to have two grandmas who are ready and willing to babysit any time.

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