Sunday, May 25, 2008

Frozen Food Myths

Sometimes we get potential customers who walk into our store and think Dream Dinners is not "fresh" because our meats and some fruits and vegetables are frozen. Well, first I tell them Dream Dinners only sources the highest quality ingredients, same quality as many high end restaurants. Our meats are flash frozen and vacuum sealed to maintain freshness and the highest quality. If I am in the mood to educate them even more, I tell them that what you see at the store as "fresh" may not necessarily be the freshest ingredients. Often times, meats that you buy at the supermarket are previously frozen and thawed, so I say it's always good to make sure you are truly aware of what you're buying.

Of course, I prefer fresh fruit and vegetables that are in season, but sometimes frozen fruits and vegetables are just as fresh.

In 1998, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed that frozen fruits and vegetables provide the same essential nutrients and health benefits as fresh. Frozen fruits and vegetables are nothing more than fresh fruits and vegetables that have been blanched (cooked for a short time in boiling water or steamed) and frozen within hours of being picked. Further, frozen fruits and vegetables are processed at their peak in terms of freshness and nutrition. (

Friday, May 23, 2008

How to juggle business with raising an infant

Trying to balance life with a Dream Dinners store and a growing infant can be a real challenge. My work hours extend beyond any 9-to-5 job. My peak work hours with customers are any time, any day. My cell phone is always on to handle customer phone calls that are forwarded from our store. When Trevor goes to bed, I am plugging away at the computer on sending out our e-newsletters, following up with customer inquiries, booking private parties, paying those darn bills, marketing planning, writing to this blog, etc. The hardest part about doing work with my son around is not being able to do any work! Then, when I'm not working on Dream Dinners stuff, I am also a SAHM taking Trevor to Child Development classes and parks, reading and playing with him, feeding him, changing him, bathing him, cooking and cleaning.

So, in order to juggle business with raising a child without going crazy, I seek help! Yes, I'm not ashamed to admit it!

The past two weeks have been extremely busy for me. With three Health and Business Fairs to attend and gearing for our many exciting Summer Initiatives (Summer Rewards, Everyday Foods and Emeril Lagasse recipe dinner kit, website updates, Self-Catering, etc.) my mom decided to take a well-deserved vacation with her friends. So, I decided to accept help from my mother-in-law. =p

My mom is usually my default babysitter/nanny. She absolutely would not have it any other way. "What? You want to hire a babysitter/nanny for Trevor? I don't think so." It's just not part of our culture. Trevor is very lucky to have two grandmas who are ready and willing to babysit any time.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rising Food and Gas Prices

Do you know how much you spend on food each month? What do you think about those ridiculous rising gas prices? During this unpredictable and slumping economy, what are you doing to spend your hard earned dollars more effectively?

According to over 1000 Dream Dinners respondents surveyed in our Do the Math Contest, our customers saved an average of $188 and 28% overall on food expenses per month! Wow, I think that's pretty amazing! With all the rising food costs, Dream Dinners has maintained its pricing levels to help you save more! By planning your meals ahead and making your meals at once, you save money on GAS, impulse and unnecessary bulk purchases, dining out, wasted food, and most importantly your valuable time!

If you don't believe us, take our challenge and do the calculation. Go ahead, add it up! You may surprise yourself. But, don't take our word for it. =p

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thank You and Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is only a few days away and there are so many messages in the media about what to do and what to buy for Mother's Day. I have never felt as much excitement about Mother's Day until this year; of course, since it will be MY first Mother's Day! Now I can join all the wonderful moms in the world and enjoy all the attention for this one special day. It's only one day, but hey, at least it's better than none!

I am especially appreciative to my mom for everything that she has done for Frank and me. Truly, motherhood is the most difficult job in the world, but definitely the most rewarding. My son Trevor reminds me of that every day.

Dream Dinners San Bruno wishes everyone a wonderful Mother's Day! To all the moms who take time out of your busy schedules to prepare meals at Dream Dinners, THANK YOU for cooking dinner for us, as we are so glad to not be eating leftover pizza! =)

And don't miss the Dr. Phil Show on Friday, May 9th! Dream Dinners will be mentioned on the show, as all audience members of that show received gift certificates of $200 each (donated by Dream Dinners of course)! Check your local listings for show times.

Robin McGraw, Dr. Phil's wife named Dream Dinners as one of the TOP FIVE gifts to give mom for Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Revamping Our Blog

It's been awhile since we last shared our personal story of Dream Dinners San Bruno. We had deviated from the "juicy" side, but we are now back! Karen, Frank and Marc would like to write more about balancing business and family. We hope you will enjoy reading our blog!