Monday, March 31, 2008

Interview With Our Customer Natacha S

Tell Us About Your Family:
My husband, Kevin, and I both work full time. Kevin works at a startup company in San Jose, and I work at the VA Medical Center in San Francisco. We have three very energetic kids ages 6, 4, and almost 2. Most days I get home at about 6pm, and the kids’ bedtime is 8pm, so between homework, packing lunches and playing with the kids we don't often have a lot of time for meal preparation.

What Did You Do For Meals Before Finding Dream Dinners:
Before we found Dream Dinners we would often prepare several meals on the weekends and eat those during the week. We were also stuck in a rut; we would fix the same things week after week. We would go through the "What do you want for dinner?", "Oh, I don't know what do you want for dinner?" routine.

How Has Dream Dinners Changed Your Life:
We love the variety that Dream Dinners provides. I love the fact that Kevin, who NEVER cooks, can follow the directions and fix a meal for us! Since I have a background in nutrition, I appreciate the fact the most of the meals are very healthy, and even the ones that aren't (like the breakfast sausage sandwich- Canadian Bacon Stuffed French Bread!) are worth the extra calories! The kids love the fact that I don't spend the whole evening in the kitchen.

I had heard a lot about meal prep type stores and had always wanted to try it, so when we moved to Millbrae we saw the Dream Dinners sign at Bayhill Shopping Center and decided to try it. We were hooked from that point on. Marc, Karen and Frank are all very nice, friendly and helpful. I have started bringing my oldest son, Kehl, to help and we both look forward to going to Dream Dinners each month, although I think Kehl enjoys it most because he gets to play his Nintendo!

For Kevin and I, our favorite meal is Lemon Chicken Piccata. For the kids, their favorite meal is the Southwest Meatloaf (Meatballs).

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